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Confused and overwhelmed about your Medicare options?

Never Fear, Medicare Sharon is here!

Sharon throwing forms and papers relating to Medicare in the air.

Sharon makes it easy! You can throw away all the materials you have received and forget what you’ve been told.

You’ll receive a one-page summary of the Medicare basics and your options. You’ll be guided through your entire

Medicare journey by an independent Medicare insurance broker.

 Fitchburg Office

2916 Marketplace Dr #210

Fitchburg, WI  53711  


9 am - 5 pm

In Person  or  Phone

Home Office

N2918 Rome Oak Hill Rd

Helenville, WI 53137


9 am - 5 pm

Book your Medicare Review or Medicare 101

Senior Health Insurance Connections 

How to Cover the Gaps of Original Medicare

You have 2 choices when you turn 65.  You can choose a Medicare Supplement and a standalone Part D plan or an Advantage Plan that cover Parts A, B and D.  Sharon will explain the difference and help guide you on the plan option that is best for you.    

Additional Coverage

There is additional coverage available such as dental, vision, hearing, critical illness, cancer/heart attack and stroke. Sharon can help you navigate your options to help reduce uncertainty.


1. Determine Eligibility

2. Understand Your Options

3. Enroll in a Plan

4. Support & Annual Review

Meet Sharon

Sharon Shenberger is CEO of Senior Health Insurance Connections. As an independent Medicare insurance broker, Sharon assists people going on, or already on, Medicare.


Sharon understands the complexity of Medicare and believes education is the starting point to choosing a plan that fits an individual’s needs, budget, and desires. Sharon is committed to educating by sharing her expertise and empowering her clients to make decisions they are comfortable with. She conducts educational workshops in southern Wisconsin. 


She has completed Insurance Ethics Training and completes over 100 hours annually for her Medicare certification through America’s Health Insurance Plans. (AHIP). Sharon has been certified by the state of Wisconsin’s Department of Insurance to solicit the following products: Health Insurance (Medicare Supplements/Medicare Advantage) Hospital Indemnity, Short Term, Dental, Cancer/Heart Attack, and Stroke. There is no cost or obligation for her services.

Headshot of Sharon Shenberger, owner of Senior Health Insurance Connections.

Why Work With Sharon

Save Time & Money

Sharon is an independent agent appointed with many of the top carriers in the area.  She will represent you, not the insurance company.  Sharon will help you find a plan that fits your health & financial needs.

Personalized Service

Sharon can help with plan selection via phone, email, virtual and in person. She will deliver with your comfort and convenience in mind.



Continuous Support

From the moment you choose a plan to every year after, Sharon will be with you every step of the way to make sure you’ve got the coverage that will work for your unique situation.


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What Clients Say

"Sharon saved us 1000’s of dollars on our Medicare.  She found us a plan that helped us with our specific needs and we’re saving money to boot! "

-- Walter and Mary G. Watertown WI.

  • When should I enroll in Medicare?
    Generally, individuals can enroll in Medicare within a seven-month window around the time they turn age 65. There are several parts to Medicare, with varying premiums - Part A - Hospital, SNF, Home Health & Hospice - Part B - Outpatient Care, Doctors, Tests, Procedures, DME - Part C - AKA Advantage/Parts A, B and C in one plan - Part D covers prescription drugs
  • Is enrollment in Medicare automatic?
    NO! All individuals must enroll except individuals under 65 and taking social security due to a disability, which are automatically enrolled in A & B. Otherwise, enrollment into Medicare Parts A and B is handled by the Social Security Administration, enrollment to Parts C and D requires an independent agent. To get started visit, call 1-800-772-1213, or visit your local Social Security office.
  • What is original Medicare?
    Original Medicare includes Medicare Part A and B. Medicare Part A helps cover hospital stays and inpatient care and Medicare Part B helps cover doctor visits and outpatient care.
  • What Medicare plan options are available?
    After enrolling in Original Medicare there are options for additional coverage: Medicare Supplement Plans are offered by private insurance companies and specifically designed to help cover some or all of the out-of-pocket costs that Original Medicare doesn’t cover. Consumers must be enrolled in Original Medicare (Parts A and B) to buy a Medicare Supplement plan. Additionally, consumers who enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan can also enroll in a Medicare Part D plan. Medicare Advantage Plans (also known as Part C) are also offered by private insurance companies. These plans provide Medicare Part A hospital insurance, Medicare Part B medical insurance and sometimes Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. Out-of-pocket costs and cost-sharing for the consumer differs from Original Medicare, differs by plan, and may depend on whether the consumer receives in or out-of-network services. Medicare Part D Plans: Offered by Medicare-approved private insurance companies, these plans provide prescription drug coverage for medications prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional.
  • Is Medicare primary or secondary to employer coverage?
    If employees are age 65 or older, they should understand whether their employer's coverage is primary or secondary to Medicare: - If they work for an employer with fewer than 20 employees, they will need to enroll in Medicare to have primary insurance, because health care coverage from employers with fewer than 20 employees pays secondary to Medicare. Failing to enroll will trigger higher-premium penalties. - If they work for an employer with 20 or more employees, then their employer sponsored health care coverage pays primary to Medicare. They may choose not to enroll in Medicare while they're still employed. At firms with 20 or more employees, the employer's plan will generally remain primary as long as the employee is actively employed. That means employees—and their providers—should continue to submit claims first to the employer's plan and then to Medicare, as appropriate. Remind employees to alert their providers to this secondary coverage.
  • Who is eligible for Medicare?
    An individual may be eligible for Medicare based on any one of the following: - Age 65 or older - Younger than 65 with a qualifying disability - Have a diagnosis of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease) at any age
  • How does primary or secondary coverage affect HSA contributions?
    At organizations where Medicare provides primary coverage, employees at age 65 can no longer contribute to an HSA, because once they enroll in Medicare their coverage is no longer HSA compatible. At larger organizations where the employer's health plan is the primary coverage, employees enrolled in an HSA-compatible, high-deductible health plan may choose to delay enrolling in Medicare and continue contributing funds to their HSA. Employees at organizations with 20 or more employees, however, should keep in mind that premium-free Medicare Part A provides secondary coverage of hospital expenses that may not be covered by the employer's plan. If they forgo enrolling in Part A, they should weigh the potentially higher preretirement hospital costs against their ability to increase the size of their HSAs before retiring.
  • When should I stop making HSA contributions?
    If you have a Health Savings Account (HSA), you and your employer should stop contributing to your HSA 6 months before you retire or apply for benefits from Social Security (or the Railroad Retirement Board). This will ensure you avoid a tax penalty.
  • How can COBRA trip up Medicare enrollment?
    Employees older than age 65 who deferred Medicare enrollment typically receive an eight-month special enrollment period, starting the month after employment ends or their group health insurance ends, whichever happens first. Employees should beware that if after ending employment they elect to use COBRA for their insurance for more than eight months (and COBRA coverage is generally available for up to 18 months), then the penalties for missing the special enrollment period and enrolling late are significant and, in the form of higher premiums, continuous.
  • Should I elect Medicare as my primary insurance and leave my group health insurance?
    If this option is more cost-effective for you, then absolutely. You’ll want to take into consideration how much you’re paying for your employer group health coverage. If you find yourself spending more on your group insurance than Part B premium and a Medicare Advantage/Supplement plan, you should consider leaving your group insurance and enroll in Part A & B. This is something we can help you figure out.
  • Should my spouse stay on my group plan or enroll in Medicare?
    We often find that it costs less for your spouse to enroll in Medicare vs. staying the employer plan. If spousal insurance is costing you hundreds of dollars a month, you should consider enrolling them in Medicare.
  • What is NOT covered by Medicare?
    - Dental/Dentures - Routine Hearing & Hearing Aids - Routine Vision & Eyeglasses - Long Term Care - Cosmetic Surgery - Acupuncture/Alternative Medicine - Foreign Travel





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Home Office

N2918 Rome Oak Hill Rd. Helenville, WI 53137

By appointment only

Wednesdays and Thursdays 9-5

Friday 9-noon

Mondays - if you need a Monday appointment please contact me.​

Madison Office

2916 Marketplace Dr Suite 210 Fitchburg, WI 53719

By appointment only

Tuesdays 9-5

Mondays - if you need a Monday appointment please contact me.

Flexible scheduling available, just call and ask for different times/days to suit your needs at my offices or your home.

Have a question? Feel free to ask!

Business card for Senior Health Insurance Connections.

Currently we represent 6 organizations which offer 37 products in your area. You can contact, 1‑800‑MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program for more help with plan choices.


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